Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Someone Like You

I can not stop listening to Adele's song Someone Like You.  It's amazing.  And sad.  And inspiring.  Her voice is like sugar to your ears, just a little smoother.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Things I Love

Wow.  I haven't blogged since October.  So many things have happened since then.  Life moves fast.  And is weird.  Anyway...

I'm addicted to and it's made me think about simple things that just make me smile.  Like when I get my sheets out of the dryer and lay them in the floor to make my bed and Marni wads herself up in them.  Like when I can roll my windows down in February.  Like when I almost drop my Oreo Blizzard, but somehow manage to catch it.

Life is good.  I need Spring.

via weheartit