Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All Year Long Resolutions

When I think about the fact that we’re half way through January in the year twenty-ten, I get a little anxious. I was distracted the first of the year and didn’t even think about  making any resolutions. Now that I’ve had time to get back to myself, reflect and realize that right now is the time in my life to better it, I’ve started making my ::long:: list. I usually don’t make resolutions and boycott New Year’s celebrations and traditions all together, but this is a new decade, I’m making a fresh start and I’m excited about it! I hope to keep a continual list of resolutions all year, why just start over at the beginning? I’ve had the chance to start over in the middle quite often.

1.  Keep a journal. This is something I always did as a young girl and even now, every once in a while, I’ll write down a few thoughts or feelings. I love to go back years ago and read what was going on in my life and remember the happiness, or the pain, that I was going through and just seeing how big things felt at the time when they turned out to be so small. My mom even suggested this to me just this morning. “You’ve got to write this stuff down!” she told me. She said I have so much odd luck that there’s no way I’d be able to remember it all. She’s right, and believe me, I do not want to forget some of the weird things that have happened to me, been said to me or that I’ve even done myself.

2.  Dress and accessorize better.  Over the past few months, I've let my style go.  Now, I'm not saying I'm the most fashionable person, but lately I've not cared much at all, especially accessory wise.  I bought this at Charlotte Russe over the weekend and love it...until it starts turning my finger green:

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