Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time For A Slow Down

This morning while I was outside with Marni, the wind picked up, stirring all the dirt and leaves around.  Across the road from the back of my apartment is an old house with a huge tree in the front yard.  A ton of leaves started flowing off of it, in the prettiest steady pattern.  Then I could hear the clock tower chiming from the university.  It was one of those moments where you just stop and take it in.  I love when that happens.  When something catches your total attention and makes you forget about the rest of the world, even if it's just for 30 seconds. 

After working so many days in a row and not making time for life, it was a nice reminder, a Godwink perhaps.

via weheartit.com

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wake Me Up When September Ends

I can't believe it's already October!  I also can't believe how cold I am!  It's so chilly outside.  I even went out and bought a space heater because I'm a total cold weather wimp.  I love this time of year, but it's a reminder that winter is on it's way and I reeeally don't like winter.  But this year I'm not going to dread it coming.  You never know when winter might bring something marvelous.  Fall might, too.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hair Envy

My hair is at the stage where it just won't grow, but I don't want to cut it.  I long for hair that I could just tousle and go and it look good.  Here are some of my faves:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

“You live like this, sheltered, in a delicate world, and you believe you are living. Then you read a book… or you take a trip… and you discover that you are not living, that you are hibernating. The symptoms of hibernating are easily detectable: first, restlessness. The second symptom (when hibernating becomes dangerous and might degenerate into death): absence of pleasure. That is all. It appears like an innocuous illness. Monotony, boredom, death. Millions live like this (or die like this) without knowing it. They work in offices. They drive a car. They picnic with their families. They raise children. And then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them and saves them from death. Some never awaken.”

Anaïs Nin

Gotta Gettaway

Mom and I are heading to the Smoky Mountains early tomorrow morning.  I mean early.  I'm getting up at 4:30 to try to make it to her house by 6.  We'll see how that goes.  Can I just say that I LOVE the Smokies.  I mean LOVE them.  I love being down there and shopping in Pigeon Forge and walking around Gatlinburg and going up to the Chimney Tops and having a picnic.  Ahhh.  Hopefully I'll find some of the mind I lost over the past couple of months while I'm there.  Yay!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In Recent News...

Kings of Leon's Caleb Followill is engaged.  And I'm heartbroken.
via here

I'm actually watching this season of Dancing With The Stars.  I like Bristol Palin.  And I'm heartbroken.
via here

Only two heartbreaks in one day.  Not too shabby.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Get Out of Town

A friend and I drove down to Nashville yesterday just because.  We both love it there and I asked him to go so I could get out of Bowling Green for a while.  It was a good day.  I needed it.  I'm going to live there one of these days.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Two Faves

Lissie's album Catching A Tiger has been on repeat in my home for days.  I love her.  Everywhere I Go is my favorite song, for now anyway.

My sister and I watched Going The Distance last night.  I haven't laughed so much at a movie since The Hangover.  It is a perverted humor as well, but it's real and not over the top.

On another note, it's Saturday and I go in at noon to close.  Yuck.  But I'm off the next two days so I won't complain.  I won't complain.  I won't complain.  ;)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


via weheartit

I've been sleeping in too much lately, staying up too late.  It's nice to get up early and take a few minutes to drink coffee, listen to music, just sit.  It's good for the soul I do believe.

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's Hard To Catch Up A Blog

The past few months flew by and while it was full of changes, it's hard to pinpoint the highlights.  But I'll try:

* I'm all settled in my apartment and it's warm and cozy and feels like home.  Not home home, but home.  I still have some decorating to do.  I'm trying to not get it all done at once that way I'll have something to do around here if I ever get time.  Here's my favorite wall so far, it's above my couch.

* I've gotten all trained and used to my job at the Lancome counter.  I really do love it.

* I turned 26.  I'm nowhere near where I thought I would be at 26.

* The only trip I took all summer was to Cincinnati to see Kings of Leon.  You know I love my Kings of Leon.  It was great.  Great.  Wonderfully great.

* A couple of months ago, I got bit by a Brown Recluse spider.  Yeah.  The reaction was horrible and there was one point I was pretty sure I was a goner.  Then the bite started rotting so I had to have it cut out.  I have a lovely, shiny pink scar on my shoulder that's still pretty sensitive.  And I'm also terrified of spiders now. 

* I've been spending more time than usual in Tennessee.  The outskirts of Nashville.  It reminded me how much I love it there.

* My friend Mary Helen took some picutres of me.  It was fun.  She's great, but I'm a horrible model.  I just don't have that face.  I think I end up looking confused when I don't smile.

I hate to say it, but I'm ready for fall.  I dread winter, but fall's going to be nice.  This summer was too hot and if I would have had time to do anything, I probably wouldn't have.  Fall will be better.  In every way.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aaand It's September

The 12th of September to be exact.  It's Sunday morning.  I'm drinking Starbees with the windows open listening to Kings Of Leon's new single over and over, surfing the internet with my friend's AT&T internet card while Marni runs around with her mini tennis ball.  It's peaceful.  The first time I've felt peace in quite a while.  I like it. 

I go to work in two hours and the Colts play today.  I'll miss it.  I miss a lot of things these days.  Literally and figuratively.  I have a massive blister from the shoes I wore yesterday.  My apartment needs a good cleaning.  I was cussed at yesterday by someone I care about.  That was fun.  I need to go to Wal-Mart.  I need to see my family.  I need to see my friends.  I also needs to get my hair done desperately.

But, I'm at peace this morning.  For some reason.  Maybe because it's Sunday.  Maybe because God knows I need it.  Maybe because I finally stood up for myself and my heart.  Whatever the reason, I hope it sticks around for a while.

via weheartit.com

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's Been A Month

I haven't posted in over a month and I'm sad about it. I'm posting this from my phone, so hopefully it works. I'm going to try to steal some Internet this weekend and catch this blog up :) It's been quite the month for me, I must say.

Soon friends, xoxo

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Black Apple

I've been scouring Etsy for artwork to put in my apartment.  It's hard to commit to what I want and I have dozens saved in my favorites.  I'm so indecisive.  But here's some of the prints I've found in one of my favorite shoppes, The Black Apple.  I don't know if I'll actually purchase any, but I'm thinking about a couple of 5x7's if I do. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sunshine After the Rain

This has been one of the most stressful & dramatic weeks I've been through in a long time.  The fact that it was absolutely petty & brought on my someone totally not worth it makes me disappointed in myself, but at the same time I'm proud of myself for getting away from the situation.  Today I woke up feeling great.  Refreshed.  Strong.  I spent some time with my sister and niece, which always make me happy. 

I think I'm finally old enough to realize that the things I've been through truly were to help me deal with problems that arise now.  I can handle things differently, smarter.  Am I totally mature all the time about things?  No.  Do I post immature comments on Facebook?  Sure.  Do I want to post pictures of the screen shots of the texts I've been receiving?  Yes.  (And still might)  But in the end, I'm wiser.  Happier.  I have a life to live, a life of my own and it's only going to be what I make it.  God is good.  Everyday.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Just Cause

So, I really have an urge to blog although I don't really have anything to say.  The weather?  It's been super hot.  Work?  The same.  Friends?  Fun, yet crazy as usual.  The "dating"?  Unnecessaryily dramatic.  Life's weird.  I guess if I did post more personal stuff on here I'd have a ton to say, but I don't.

I move into my apartment soon.  I'm excited.  And stressed.  I have so much to do and can't seem to make myself do it.  I did go shopping yesterday.  That's productive I guess.  I work with the girl who is actually living in the apartment I'm moving into and today she was all "Are you all packed?!"  Ummm, no ma'am. 

I smelled summer for the first time today.  I don't know why it's taken me so long.  I was outside walking Marni and was like "Ohhh, it really is summer."  It's been good so far.  I think it will get even better. *

*Please note my positivity there.                                          xoxo

via weheartit.com

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I haven't posted in soo long.  I've been busy with work, home, friends, work.  Yeah, you know how it goes. 

I'm looking at an apartment this week, one I reeeally want, so I'm hoping it works out.  We'll see.  So, I find myself looking at apartmenttherapy.com every chance I get, which is usually in the middle of the night.  I'm so indecisive when it comes to how I want to decorate.  And everything else for that matter.

I've also been eating too many Moon Pies.  Moon Pies, now that was a good idea. 

I've not been getting enough sleep.

I've let myself become distracted and caught up.  Which is nice, but at the same time...scary?

I've overanalyzed a lot, too.  As have my friends, because that's what we do.

I bought a couch.  My first couch of "my own".  Yes, I am 25 and just bought my first couch. 

I also bought an iPhone and I have no idea how I've been living without one.

A guy gave me his # at O'Charley's on lunch the other day.  He looks just like Tony Romo.  Oh, and he's 19.  The universe hates me.

I sound negative, but, yeah, things are going good.  I'm probably going to get a new tattoo this week, too.  That's always fun.  Painful, but fun.

Marni's as cute as ever.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"Some people want somebody...Some people want everybody...Some people don't want anybody...And...some people don't know what they want."

~Said by a guy who I thought had no clue.  I guess I was wrong.

via weheartit.com

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Hopefully.  These dreary days are getting me down.

via weheartit.com

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Kids

These two will be the death of me.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

One Thing I Can No Longer Brag About

I can no longer snicker and knock on wood as people tell their stories of getting pulled over, getting tickets, attending traffic school.  No, my friends, I can't.  I received my first speeding ticket today.  61 in a 45 to be exact.  It took me 25 years and can I note that this was the first time I've even been pulled over?  Well, other than the time when I was 14, but that's another story in itself. 

I always wondered how I would act if I got pulled over.  It was pretty boring actually.  I didn't freak out or even get nervous.  I just handed over my license and insurance then sent a few texts while I waited on him to write me up.  I did point out to him the fact that it was my first time being pulled over.  He, obviously, didn't care.  Maybe I'll get to be in the District Court section of the Edmonson News.

What a waste of $175.

Image via weheartit.com

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Rain and Ray LaMontagne makes me wonder.  xoxo

all photos via weheartit.com

Thursday, April 29, 2010

One Of Those Days

Today is one of those days where I just want to stay home.  I don't want to go to work.  I want to go outside and walk and take pictures and enjoy the first warm day after our cold spell and before the rain comes back.  But, in a few minutes, I will start getting ready for work and spend my day inside. 

Today is one of those days when I have to remind myself that the day will be what I make it.  xoxo

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Art Journal

So, I told you about the art journal class, "Tell Your Story", that I signed up for.  It started Monday and I have enjoyed it so much!  It's just relaxing to be able to write down feelings and be creative at the same time.  I've never done anything like this before and I'm glad I decided to sign up for it at the last minute.  Plus the two girls who teach it are very inspiring. 

Yes, I blurred the pic on purpose.  I'll post some soon that I don't care to share.

Friday, April 23, 2010

An Online Art Journal Class

I just signed up for for an online class!  It's called Tell Your Story and is a how-to on making art journals taught by the lovely bloggers/crafters Elsie Flannigan (what a cool name) and Rachel Denbow.  I've been reading Elsie's blog for a while now and saw this class advertised weeks ago.  She did a "last call" for participants today, so I thought "why not?"  It starts Monday, runs for six weeks and has a new idea/lesson EVERY day.  Wow.  I'll let you know how it goes and will try to post my work, although I'm sure I won't feel it's "interesting" enough.

For more information click here.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

So, I Painted Some Trophies

Ever since I first saw where someone had painted trophies, I wanted to try it.  On my day off yesterday, I rummaged through the bottom of my closet until I found my old trophies.  Most of them were from softball, a couple from D.A.R.E. and straight A's.  It was not as easy as one would imagine.  I primed and primed and primed and then put a coat...or three...of actual spray paint.  I had one, a basketball trophy, that just would not work.  The colors from the base ran and I ended up with a red, white and blue blob.  I did end up with three working and I'm very pleased.  I need to do more projects like that.  It clears my head.

The inspiration.

My creation.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My day started out with my mom and I going to the flea market in Leitchfield.  We didn't find anything we had to have, but we did get some sweets from the Amish.  Yumo.  We stopped by a yard sale and ended up with sheets, tins and a faucet.  I guess that got me in the mood to go "junking" on my own.  My uncle, Michael, owns a lot of land that used to be my Mammaw and Papaw's before they passed away.  There's a barn (that my uncle painted bright yellow, yeah, yellow) that is FILLED with stuff/junk that has been there for years.  There's also an apartment off the barn that my uncle built when he was younger.  AND, there's also another part of the barn on the outside with tons of junk, too.  So, obviously there's a lot to go through.  I just went mostly looking today.  I'm not all about digging in too much, without gloves anyway.  I never realized how much stuff there actually is.  I can't wait when I can actually get to it and take it and if it can be upcycled.  Yay!  Here's just a few pics of my finds:

This is basically what the whole barn looks like.  So, mulitply this by 10 and you get the picture.

I'm going to claim this fan.  Not only because I love old fans, but I love the color of the base.

See the fan?  Yeah, that's why I didn't take it with me.  I'll climb my way to it soon!

That's a chair that's in the rafters of the barn.  Oh, yeah.  Did I mention there's stuff up there, too??

One of the days, when I have room for it, I'll probably steal this and redo it.

And this is my most exciting find of the day!!  Remember when I found the perfect green wardrobe on Etsy??  Well, I've found the one I REALLY want to restore!!  How perfect!  Oh, and can you see the yellow iron bed frame in the mirror of the wardrobe?  Yeah, I'm claiming that, too!

What a great day.  It was so relaxing and I wish I had more days like this.  Maybe one day.